ODIMBAR (One Day I Might Be A Raptor) was not here on 5 April 2017, but had set up his court by 14 April. From behaviour we have considered that he is newly adult-fledged, but he could be an older bird who has shifted his court. It is autumn and the courting that dominates reporting on bowerbirds is not due till spring.

As we begin this blog on 16 April 2017, we already have our hearts in our mouths, concerned that this new family member outside our suburban bedroom window will survive the competition and that his court may thrive. His day is busy: hunting, building, learning, asserting, defending, charming, singing, raucous caucusing and dancing.

And the evidence before us, of daily life, is much more complex than what one usually reads or views on Youtube, of isolated males building bowers in spring to try to entice picky females with whom their relations are fleeting. It's not like that at all here.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Contraception and narcissism?

Ahem. Now that I have your attention with that title....

We have mirrors in our garden for visual challenges and spreading winter light. They also entertain birds, especially wrens, but also blackbirds. Blackbirds are a troublesome introduced species in Australia. They have fine voices but are survivors which compete vigorously for habitat with less assertive native bird species.

Here is a movie of a female blackbird at a mirror. Raising the question of whether the infatuation with the bird in the mirror provide some contraceptive limitation to the spread of blackbirds, at least in our garden.... :-)

(We have at the moment only bowerbird visits, the dancing pavilion area is a bit bare and exposed in the end of winter and with essential pruning.)

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